21 June 2010

randomness ....... times ....... fickle ....

it is very hard to believe the change in time... it shows good things...bad things...worse and worst... all forms of bad are thrown in front of us... we cry out to ourself.. sometimes to others too .. but then the heart has always one thought in mind .. y do things happen to us... y do we keep on facing troubles and others seem to make a pleasant living in themselves... the mind makes a lot of decisions and the heart refuses to take them.. we vent out on our buddies ... we shout at them and make a mockery of things... and even we swear at them for not being with us at our times of need... we make a long list of complaints at the person whom we love.. we shout..we cry...we laugh and we sulk ....and this part - the sulking thing .. the after effects of love,battle, fights... and much more makes a huge part of our life... many of us life sulking and some dun sulk.. some for a longer duration and some jus wrap it off in a jiffy .... some incidents in our lives are at our eye-fronts every time.. and some are off our last thoughts... some things lie college... friends ... the pet names... the wars... the food.. the drinks - booze ... the smokes.. the roadside tapris... and much more all play their role in our life.. and none of us are exempted of these situations. .. everyone of us face it ... see it ... blurt it .. and then of course remember it when we miss them... this is what is the time-cycle... the changes and flanges of life... we love making mistakes... every time we look back into those cute emotions and times that we left behind just in the wake of another new day and a passing away dusk, we are enlightened by the factuals that happened .... the makes and breaks of past has an enduring effect on the present and then the truth or we can say the realizations are done... we see a lot and do a lot ... much aware and much unaware... so this is what life is ... it changes every moment ... every second ... every blink makes us think different .. and no two blinks are the same .... times have changed and it feels good to look back into those memories .. feels like reliving them ... atleast we want to go thru them in a summary ...

with the times changing and bigger and better things expected to come... we all shackle under this change and we all feel insecure... changing times make us feel bad-worse-good..everything ... the past has a turmoil over us... we go crazy ... we go mad ..... we all have seen stuffs happening around us ... we all see things with others .... and keeping ourself strong amongst the crowd is tough ... things get easy when we forget... but not all things are to be forgotten. ....

i know m talking crap... i m just not in the normal self ... somethings are really taking my attention off me .... things will settle down ... they should ... :) .... take care .... be good....

09 June 2010

the long lost friend is back again...

sometimes i imagine life without the gadgets that we use today... life will be a hell in their absence.. it will be like chucking the heart out of u ...sometimes we curse ourselves that we are up to date on our mail or we r not regular in touch with friends cuz we dun have a net connection...but really this whole thing of socializing and keeping in contact with people is one prime reason for networking sites... orkut makes us free in searching people ... and thats what u need when ur a long lost person in this world and u wanna come in terms with ur buddies again.... all u need to do is to create an orkut or a fb account ... and then thats it ... u are into the virtual world of reality ...
one fine day ... after i return from job and i open my orkut after many weeks and to my bloody surprise i find an old pal of mine has sent me request here ... getting all excited to talk to him ... i immediately took his mail id and then the next moment i mailed him and then i feel a sense of huge relief of getting back in touch with him after 10 years.. this way these social sites are really putting into people's emotions... this is maybe the best use of networking sites ...
people use ot for various many reasons.. which m not concerned about ... the fact remains the fact that they are social networks ... and now-a-days even a child aged 5 does use his fb for updating his routine ... from constipation to corporates all of us are addicted to some of these ... some form of these..

this friend of mine was in touch with me till 8th grade and then no one knew where he was and what he was doing .. our group tried to track him down and get to him .. all in vain... we tried hi dad's contact .. that too wasn't any useful... all that we knew where that he's somewhere in kolkata doing his masters in chemistry ... so this way i get in touch with him and really it feels good to be like this... its always a pleasure getting back in terms with the person whom u had always wanted to be contact with.... it has been a good day to me.. and hope things go really well ... this way i think i can get in touch with many more of my schoolies...

life is strange .. daily it gives surprises ... dazzles u thru ur nerve but still takes u along and makes u experience the most beautiful memories of life....

08 June 2010

the friends and more ...

life has started again ... a new thing .. a new palce and most of many more new people ... m usually a kind of guy who gets in touch with many new friends very fast and very easily ... i love making new friends .. or may i shud put it in the past tense ... i loved making many new friends ... but this new corporate thing is really seeming very strange to me ... m not able to make new friends or maybe m not interested in making new friends .... its usually easy for me to get befriended with people .. again this life is not the same as before... earlier it happened that m in contact with the entire grp .. this time its not the sanme case .. either m changing, which is a huge factor or times are changing ... which again cannot be denied ...
either way this new face of people and being them is great ... kinda the real faces .. the very professional life ... damn professional ... in a way again, this is good ... now i myself dun wanna make a lot of new people .. the more the new people , the more u need to attend to them and the more u tend to loosen with the old ones... and this is really harsh on them ... they seem to take us in the wrong way ... but then change is inevitable ...
life makes us take harsh decisions ... gives us hard times but also people around to fight them ... sometimes its the undeniable existance of the friends which makes us strong ... makes us see thru all tough situations and circumstances of life ...makes us feel the aura against and with us .. the foes..the friends..the families..the figures ... they are play a big role in deciding what actually is our decision ... they may make us strong they may weaken us ... but finally the one who stands us thru all this is the one who will stand us thru much more to come .. life takes visious turns and so does friendship ... u may hate ur friend at this second but then u may hug them the very next moment apologising for ur act ... all this happens to all of us ..

some know how to put them on their back and still walk away unnoticed and harmless.. like nothing ever happend .... but some , those "some" who jus are twisted in these curves are never able to come out of this ... and for them peers are the biggest asset... friendship is a relation that cud spoil everything ... and it is the only relation that cud bring us back from ashes .. and thats y v need these humpy-bumpy people around us ..

*finally m blogging today ... i love blogging ... venting out to people whom i dunno... whom i know .... * .. this is easier .. in many-a-ways ... letting out ourselves on people who are not known to us .. who dont know us .. who have never seen us ... who have nothing to do with our past or the future .. they jus listen to us ... like our diaries ... lively diaries ... they speak to us .. they respond to us .. but they dont hate us ... they dont comment on us .. this is easy and fun ... knowing people on the e-world and then making friends with them ... its good ... its like ... i dunno ...

this is reality ... and this is believable ...
time takes its toll on all of us ...
and i like being played upon by the sands of nature ...

its raining for the past couple of days here ... its freaking aweosme here in faridabd .. temp has dipped from 48 to 28 ... lovely romantic climate ... damn sexy trees shedding leaves .. its cold in nights ... its great in the early-mornings.... its great to go on a walk... :) ...

take care friends ... keep posting .. it will take me time to get back in regular touch ... :) ..


This blog is to all those who are in for a great search to truth of life... may be.. i write wt eva i feel.. abt wtever i feel.. i don know wt ppl wil feel of it.. its jus my chancery of my heart....