Now all of a sudden i noticed that people around me have been blogging for a quite long time....to be very true its not the first time m putting my pen to my thoughts.....this is my 2nd blog....the first was a created when i was half way thro' my final year at high school.... things that time was pretty hazy...all the articles in my blog were about my friends and least abt me....although i deleted it wen i was in 2nd sem of my college life...a secret that i've kept to myself...i named it "The Reflection"
And this time around also m naming my blog on some kind of the same track that i started with....."ECHOES"....believe me things do get back to you once in ur life....may not be immediately effective....but nevertheless they stay a long time....
Pretty much of last para might be sounding quite illogical and senseless....but just stick with my blog for long and they will make way to much more to come.....
I m true believer of the fact that no one can change the root of anything .... let it be anything ... and i exclusively mean the root nature of any person.... trust me u can never alter a person from his/her beneath...they stay as what they are from inside forever .... they may mould sometimes to the external factors like friends and life... but at the end they stay as they are forever.....
As for as the first readers of my blog are concerned u are welcome to the newest ever face of my written thoughts....may be with tides to come u all can make wonders.....but u need to know one thing trust comes from within giving rise to confidence ....
When we do a task,
We have to cross three stages......
$$ Fools stop at the first $$
!!! Loosers stop at the second !!!
#### Winners Cross the Third ####
On which topics ur future blog posts will be based upon
got u.......
gethu pic.. true to wat u r doin..
my future posts will all be upon my experiences with people .... their characters ... n all craps ...
hey reading ur blog is really a good thing i loved it...thanks for reminding me my school days..... reading it was completely my pleasure... thanks again...
hey cant access ur profile... hope u can give me th eprivileges.. atleast give ur blog name... thanks
great way to start
hey there,
just hopped here from Lakshmi's blog.
Say, what does "Simba Tago" mean?
btw, nyc blog
@ gKam .... what a pleasant surprise .... a comment on my 1st post .. and tat too from a stranger .... thanks buddy for stopping by ..... and yeah ur most welcome to comment on all the posts also ....
SiMbA tAgo means the king of hte forest .... atually simba is the bame for the 'LION KING' that i picture as the king of te forest .... and tago was jus a suffix that i put to it ... both are my imaginations and my creations true to my knowledge .....
so when i was a kid my dad encouraged me to have something like this which i can use all my life along ... and then it took me a hell lotta 1 yr to come up with this name.. adn it was when i was in my 4th standard ... that time i neva used it.. jus had it ... but later on from 11th -12th and afterwards it has become like my bond-name ...
so nice to have ur comment here...and thanks for making it into my lists of pppl ... and also for the explanation....
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