after some 20 days m scripting down....quite long enuf....had exams n stuffs....had a very weird time this sem....especially the exams....some where excellent...n some where to the worst level possible....the max i cud mess up with ma paper was the psa....what to say....jus prior to day of paper it seems like i'e done quite a descent prep to score a handful enuf...but the 3 bloody hrs...change the entire scene...from handful enuf marks to begging to jus cross the threshold....i hate this time of mine...wen m at my best worst...it cant be worser any more...
exams wer not the only things happening in ma life that time...eventhough i maxxed my exam prepn...ther wer somethings i cudnt avoid...
m goinn thro' a very amazing n crazy time....which i cant explain to myself...of whats happening...need someone to come n explain to me..what actually is happening???....this particular part of mine can never be forgotten let it be +/- for me....things are happening to me....people are happening to me...everything is on the verge of a result...but it just lacks that last touch that m eagerly awaiting for...those words which m searching for that probably wil get me back into it....the heart sorta blacks out at times....
i dont have answers to any that m goin thro'....n m also in no mood to expose to any1.....this air around me is seemingly driving me off the pitches...but i swear to myself...that i wil keep strong n find out what is this exactly...
at times m very happy with the tick-tock of time...the one that keeps me on trak of the happening...but the next flash wen i hear which i shud'nt hav..then i go hard at myself.....
i trust the fact that sometimes somethings shud'ne be heard of...its okay not to know sth...sometimes its very best if u can ignore something n someone......coz....
u cant accept that is hate,
u cant deny what is fate...
speak up at times buddy,
else u'll cry that its too late.....
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