This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 3; the third edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

wowiee... what a topic man.... what a great one to debate upon... all of us know ... each one has faced it... has seen it.. or atleast wanted to see it ... the free India.. the dream that each one of us have in us .. to have a nation of his choice ... to have a nation of our choice ... to see the nation be like 'America' or like 'china' or like 'Switzerland' ... be free and independent and ruling like a superpower ... tell me one person who doesn't dream his country to flourish in every damn field ... in every damn corner .. in every angle and in every hook ... YES , we all have grown like this.. our parents have grown like this... supporting the nation for everything... our grand-generation has given lives to make us see this future for us.. a nation thats so so better than what we had ....
almost many of the contestants have criticized the nation.. stating that its not worth what it is ... stating that we are losers... stating every damn reason to hate the mother nation.... giving thousand and one reasons for hating this country... for making it a bad place to live on ..... BUT i hate them..hate all those who talk like this .... Y ?????
yeah lemme tell u .... the blog-a-ton topic is "THE INDIAN DREAM" .... it means what we dream our nation to be.... what we would like our nation to look like. .... .. how do we visualize it to be 20 yrs from now ... 50 yrs from nw.... how do we see it for our grandchildren .... ..
i too have a dream .... to be selfish ... to be a selfish patriot ... to be a bloody-selfish patriotic person who just wants everything good for the nation ... just for me ... just for my country ... cuz then only it becomes possible for this nation to develop...develop better ... better than the bloody americans.. the bloody other country .... because all other countrymen are selfish for their country ... they want their country to develop ....
tell me how many us are ready to work and die for the nation ... ask all those fucking-bastards sitting in the silicon valley to come and serve the mother nation .... will they come ???? NO ... they wont ... cuz those assess are paid for their slavery to the americans.... paid in large amounts... and for them the money matters and not the nation .... yes and this outrage in me is jus cuz so many of us are only good enuf to talk.. and talk .. and do nothing ....
now do one more thing ... tell all those people who travel to abroad.. anywhere to go and spit at the roads of america or switzerland ... or germany and france ... no fucking bitch has the guts to that .... none can even think of doing that.... Y ??? cuz those roads are clean .. they follow rules.... but the moment they land at the indira gandhi airport ... they will come out and sit in a taxi .. open the window and spit out all the shit that they had in their mouth during the tour .... motherfucking assess... WHY ??? why do people become so negligent for the home nation... why cant we try and clean our nation.. y cant we atleast give a try to it ???? NO ONE will come forward to do this.....
have u ever given a thought what would have happened if Narayana murthy had left the country in search for a better life for him... just imagine ... WE would have lost one of the world's leading IT sector ... make him our idol to success .... really i thank Mr. Murthy .....
"kyunki, apne ghar ke safai mein haat kon gande kare" .....
(tr :" no one wants to dirt their hand for cleaning own home") ....
we have the highest number of population next to China ... and still we cant get above them... cuz the only reason that lies behind this is that we are not so sincere to the parent nation ...
1. each one of us dreams to have the best governing body at the centre ... but none of us has the freaking gut to step up and enter politics ..... enter into it and try to be a part of the governing india ... if anyone can do this .. then only we can get rid of corruption ....
2. each one us will die to see india win over pakistan .. anyday ... we want it ... we just want to see the indian cricket team cruise against pakistan .... but how many of us can really take up a carrier in that direction ????
3. we all are aware of the global warming situ and the situation of plastics ... but how many of us have stopped using plastics ??? may be not even .01 % of the educated WE ...... ??? or even less ....
4. we all do complain of dirt and shit around us ... but we forget its us who have done this ... and no one else ... no one but we are responsible for the mess around us...
5. how many of us are today ready to go into the indian air force or the army or even the navy ???? not many ... cuz they fear the loss of life ... but think what if those brave soldiers had thought the same ... or think what if gandhi and nehru had thought the same ???
then would we be here sitting and posting comments and taking part in such a competition @ blog-a-ton ??? NO ... NEVER ... EVER .... would we be freely walking on the roads .. freely singing and parting ....?? NO ....
so its a duty for all of us ... to do what we should have done decades back ....
And this is the true sense of an INDIAN DREAM for me ... and even for many else too .... a dream where we can have our own silicon-valley .... or own missiles without anyone's permission and aid .... our own army to battle the whole world ... our own google, microsoft and everything...
thanks all for being a great part of our nation ... a great part of our developing culture , society and contributing to its summit ....
if we all can really think and act wise ... we can really have an INDIAN DREAM outside jus this blog competition also ....
Jai Hind ....
The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.
loved the picture firstly...
i agree almost 90% with whatever you say..the informal tone of the post is amazing..and i must say this informal attitude slowly went a bit off track in the censorable stuff..LOL...but that is ok..its your blog..i have no business speaking about that...
"kyunki, apne ghar ke safai mein haat kon gande kare" .....
really true..
over all its nice you spoke up...i can see the heat and frustration...but let us do this in a cooler manner :)
what say pal?
have a nice day ahead..
thanks a lot narendra .. its a real pleasure to have u around here .. great buddy .... and yeah may be i went off track,.. jus dint read it twice.. wrote it n posted,... surely wil give it a review now ....
ya the heat and frustation is der ... but as u say we can deal with it coolly ...
sure pal .. join hands for the betterment of the nation ...
u too have a great nice day ahead ...
thanks for the comment again
Hello Simba.. selfish patriot thats a good term.. & if you see carefully most of the contestants want Indians to change... they dont hate mother India.. they need change to make our mother glow :)
Good to know about your 'strong' comments
Just A few points :
1) Blog-a-ton is NOT merely a contest ... its a marathon of bloggers where we decide what we write...please understand this....the contest part is not really important(atleast for the ones who have been there for most of the editions) and for God's Sake we are all just participants who are expressing our opinions on one particular topic ...coz opinions matter ... Don't they in a democratic country...
2) You have acknowledged 'China' as a super power have you ever thought that equal or more no of Chinese live & work 'abroad' including India and in last 60 years they have reached where they have and not us...
3) Yes most posts have criticized but does that mean they love the country less or are less patriotic comeon someone has to question like you have questioned yourself .... and its because of this self-introspection that this country is better place than many countries of the world...
4)If Narayan Murthy had left for greener pastures someone else would have built Infosys, Wipro TCS or Reliance this country doesn't lack we need not worry about the ones who have went for greener pastures.... this country is moving anyway....
Its good to have you in blog-a-ton We need a diverse spectrum but just be more attentive to the very purpose of the whole exercise :D
I second Dhiman on this post and would like to add something.
You wrote:
the dream that each one of us have in us... to see the nation be like 'America' or like 'china' or like 'Switzerland' ...
I don't know how being superpower matters if you are not a bully. Trust me, if you had known the countries you talk about closely, I don't think you would want India to be that. The problem we think these countries are perfect because that is the image we have of them in our heads which may not be true at all. India is unique in its own way, and one day you'll realise in spite of everything, you wouldn't want it to be anything else. I know it first hand.
But as always yours is the heart felt post. Enjoyed it.
@ daisy blue : : i know dear.. and m not critising all ... m jus telling that its time that all of us wake up and contribute to the nation rather than jus spitting the thoughts everytime ...
@dhiman : : yeah dude i know that opinions matter in this democratic country.. and thats y m also being expressive ... so y the anger over me???
and as far as china u mentioned, u urself said that china has got ppl working otside them but still they have developed more than us .. cuz the main and only reason is that they return to the mother land and give their expertise at home and let the nation flourish ....
i truly accept that wteva happens, a mother is a mother and thus is a nation ... but what i meant is not critsizing these people ... i mean to say that we all need to question ourselves for what we have done for the nation >?? and only then we get to know what we should do for the nation ....
c'mon man now dont try and defend ur words that if Mr. murthy had not been there we eould have got infy .. we need to credit him ... and had if many like him had not left we would have a tech best country .... i mean this ...
and yeah i'll try to be much better
@ Guria : :the only sense in which i compare them is the kind of game they play .. u will accept that to beat a cheat we have to be a cheat ... and cant be a nice person ... u have to be a thorn to remove a thorn ... i meant india can crush america only if we take their way and beat them.. still our originality remains
dont abuse!... my first thought!!
Indians working abroad are not the bad guys. Atleast i dont think so n I have reasons to believe it.
I also disagree with a few more points and agree with some too...
though i agree with the core of the post that it is we who can make our country better.
@ swami : : listen buddy m not abusing all those who are working abroad.. its pretty obvious that people have their own choices.. i just mean to get back those smart asses who are needed over here... m sorry to have offended anyone ... sorry all ...
u can have ur thoughts thrown here.. m here top take it all ....
Nice post. However, just one point. Not all go to foreign countries to become slaves for money. Just 2 examples. Jayant Narlikar was denied full professorship in an Indian university because he was too young and not old enough. Hargobind Khorana was denied even a menial job in India.
There are some people who complain that I treat my American subordinates like slaves.
wow nice thought dear ... excellent .. i never knew this.. thanks for the light thrown ....
You made some brilliant points, but the language could have been better. Not that is bad. But, sometimes when you need to change the tone to pass the message more clearly. All the best.
yeah sure pramathesh .. i'll surely look into it.. thanks for giving some valuable comments
Hi simba!
Hmmm! What can i say!
If any country is acknowledged as super power, how it is going to help them? Will that give a solution to every crisis we faced?
India has some specialty which other nations you mentioned here doesn't have!
But i liked the seriousness of this post! Great going buddy
@ shruti : : hi dear .... listen what i mean by achieving superpower status is that atleast on the path of trying to be the superpower we can make this country a developed nation if not a superpower .... that wont give a complete solution to the crisis we are facing but the fact that the better crisis rehab is possible had we been a developed nation ... obv i dont have any grudge against my mother land .. just that on the path to be better we can actually pick up many bits and pieces that can actually help us later ....
thanks for the like .. honored ....
welcome back ....
Hey a post straight from the heart.. I agree with you on the part that we should not just talk and act.. even I have seen lot of people who simply criticize and do nothing to improve.. But one thing is that not all the people who go to america or abroad go for money.. we do not have enough opportunities in India.. and we are hugely populated.. not everybody can find something of interest and some people prefer independent life which is not possible in India (because of the ever interfering relatives).. but that doesnt mean they hate India.. But I know many people who go to other countries because they want to become rich.. I would say it is better such money-minded people leave India because they are not worthy of staying in India
There are many NGOs which collect donations from NRIs and sends them back to India for the upliftment of women and children. So please dont think that NRIs dont care for India.
Well said :) Selfish patriot - loved the term.
Check out my post!
@ dhans : : hey thanks dhans .. selfish patriot is sth that wwas in mind for long .. precisely used it here .. thanks again for the valuable comment
@ shruti : : yeh yeh sure sure
Simba - I hope you appreciate honesty. As a blogfriend, I am just being frank with you.
many thoughts on reading your post.
First one, whats with all the swearing dude!
Second, why only Narayana Murthy? Every entreprenur who wants to stay back and fight the big fight in India should be appreciated.
NRI's are not bad people. Many help their motherland in ways you have no clue about. Do not brand them as people who dont care about their country.
And Simba,frankly, I do not want a war between India and Pakistan. India will surely win such a war, but at waht cost?
Don't get me wrong. I enjoyed reading your post (excpet for the swear words, but then, maybe thats just me) I applaud your thoughts heartily about India. I feel you have it in you to express them more beautifully.
People follow rules abroad, cos they respect the lawfullnes of that soceity. Rules are strictly enforced,and people do not test their limits. In India, they have this notion that everybody can get away with anything, whether big or small.One can always bribe right.. People laughed at me in India when I asked them for a dustbin on the beach.
I think, we have this view that there are more important problems in life than fretting over a piece of paper on the road. And that it is not our 'job'. There is a menial worker being paid to do it. Such workers are there abroad too, but nobody waits for them to come by if they see garbage. they pick it up and put it in the bin.
I agree with what you say about some NRIs though. I have seen people who do the stuff you point out. But I have also seen people who have donated to the local municipality for things like dustbins or trucks.
I like your dream simba. I want to see a country that is repected and loves, not just a bully. I want India to make use of its ample resources.
Like Guria said, it is a post from your heart. And I love your passion!
All the best for blogaton. Keep up the good work.
almost many of the contestants have criticized the nation.. stating that its not worth what it is = Did you really read the posts or did you dream this? I have seen no post that says our country and its people are not worth it except yours :)
@ evanescentthoughts : : listen dear , i never meant all the NRI s are bad ... please stop taking it such a perspective .. please i request u all that m not blaming every indian settled abroad ... m jus poitning to those who are not helping the nation .. secondly i also dont mean to force anyone in any sense that they shud serve the country only ... sorry to have u all mis-interpreted that way ... it is but obvious that each one has an independent life ... and i in no sense mean to interfere in that ,...
but i seriously thank each one to put up the comments and also to all those who have come in front and critised the views that i've given ,.. thanks all to let me know the shortcomings of the post ...
@ rohini : :
i feel extremely sorry for swearing and using those terms .... but it was just meant in an expression manner and not in any sense of abuse or offense ...pardon my language ...
second narayana murthy was just mentioned to state as an example .. its very obvious that i salute all those such people who have done it for the nation when they country needed them... and everone of them is a legend who are still doing it ...
Rohini dear , its not all the NRI whom i blame okay .. its jus those class of people who i mention as doin such stuffs ... pls dont misinterperate me ... pls ... i dont mean to offend anyone here ... sorry again ...
i dint mean that we shud start a fight with the pakistan .. but does that mean that v shud keep silence for them promoting terrorism to destroy us .. NO WAY .. anyday i stand against such a nation .... sorry for anyone feeling offended ....
i know that many times i cross the limits of the word usage and mannerism ... i will surely take care of it ... i m sure . i'll
and the fact which u told that people take the govt for granted that they can crime off and run away is in itself a huge crime ... how can those people who tend to follow the rules outside tend to not-at-all follow it here in INDIA ... sad and diappointed to see those such people ... really .. and if they laughed at u for asking a dustbin , m sorry, but u shud have gone ahead and proved them wrong ... c;mon rohini i think each one can teach one. .. m sure WE CAN do that ...
and as far as NRI's are considered surely there are people who help from away the country .. i jus a few selfish non-patriotic people ... again no offense intended ...
and once again thanks a lot for making this small post a huge arguement .. i loveg arguing with each one of u ... and m sure after now that none of us want to talk against the home land .. the INDIA....
atleast its good to see people objecting me together if i talk anythung wrong abt the nation ... i love this patriotism in u all to together defend the mother nation ...
and really proud to be an INDIAN where ppl defend the country in blogs too ...
and thanks rohini again for letting ur views flow so free in here ... i appreciate u .. and m grateful to have a blog follower like u
CHEERS.. and all the best at blog-a-ton
@simba - I never said we should keep quiet about Pakistan. Definetly not. I only pointed out that I do not want an India Pakistan War. Thats all.
Simba, as far as I can tell, nobody is offended by your post. Everyone wants to tell you the other side of the story and they just wish you would be more clear when you blame someone or something.
You are right about the crime part. But why are we concentrating on only the small part of NRI population. What about the people who already live in filth filled cities and don't bat an eyelid when they add more filth to it?
just FYI, I did give the guy who laughed at me a piece of my mind. :)
See Simba, it is wrong to think people are patriotic only if they talk aloud, or are not patriotic if they don't. what is patriotism? how do you measure it?
Hey.. were we arguing? I thought we were discussing things like two open minded people.. I don't like it being called argument.
you are honest and you talk from your heart. Those are the reasons I am sure, people like me keep coming back to your blog. it is my humble request that you lay off the over use of expletives. they give a crass colour to your words.
@ rohini again : : yeah sure re .. i do take all of urs' point and i know that i dunno quite a lot ppl from here .... it was a general outlet of mine ....
as par as the filth part is concerned .. i dont think i've much to comment .. sorry jus blank ...
and its a true appreciation of what u did to that guy ... kudos .. well done girl ...
for me patriotism is not about speaking aloud or keeping mum .. but what i mean is actions ... we need people too react for the country .. thats it ... i also know that many are doing this for the nation .. its jus that we need more people do that ... no more blames on anyone ...
and yeah i know we were not arguing ... jus a discussion ... of two open minded people ... n yeah 4u its not an arguement ... i like it a discussion too ... :P
and yeah from next time on ... i will sincerely try to lay off my language ...
i shud have done that ...
nice and thanks for the valuable comments ...
Hi simba.. well other fellow blog-a-tonics have already said mch about the language. So I won't touch that.
Also I've already gone though 33 posts and don't remember a single post cribbing about India. Every post was optimistic. So don't know from where u drew tht conclusion.
Anyway, its good to hear about ur brand of selfish patriotism.. bt it wud hav been more inspiring if u hd told wat all u hav done till now or wat r ur future plans(i hop u planning 2 join defence or civil services). elaborating upon any small gesture wud hav done. bt um sorry i cud jus find wrds nd wrds but not a single reference 2 any action..
And then u say, others r jus writing.. Wrds can not substitute actions.. its true.. bt actions cannot be undertaken without thoughts. Generating these thoughts is the part of this initiative called Blog-a-Ton.
Lastly, I find ur Indian Dream just another version or substitute of American dream.. U jus want India to become what America is today.
Well, to sum xtnt we all want tht but the Indian way.. Lets not compete with anyone bt with ourselves :)
Keep blogging and adding ur inputs to Blog-a-Ton!
"Achha hai,Gussa accha hai!"( Just said in movie Guru by journalist nanaji!)I liked the post. You are right about almost all things you are saying but there are many people like Narayan Murthy in India doing the work.Jayant Naralikar, Raghunath Mashelkar, Baba Aamte, Prakash aamte and the list goes on...America stopped Russia and we did not get the Cryogenic engine. But we develeped one in less than 3 years and now Nasa is praising us thanks to the scientists like A.pP.J.Abdul Kalam and their team!There are many who stay in India refusing to go abroad.So we will soon achieve the dream you have.
Beautiful writeup buddy!
@ vipul : : thia post was to let people really contribute to the nation ... if u think i jus talk and act less.. sorry ur on a fool's paradise ... i've been so many times worked for the people ..
as a part of the scouts movement in the school we used to clean villages... provide free medical and housing facilities ... used to give free education in the schools for those poor students ... and same ios being done by many in my college too ... we donate funds to many organisations and also to blood banks ...
i atleast try not to use plastics .. get proper bills for the goods that i buy and also try no to throw wastes on the road.. ans i surely dont spit on the roads... sure this is worthy of a work.. but that doesnt mean that i jus talk abt what i did and expect people to work .. i meant we can all work together ... may be via blog-a-ton ...
we can make and create an organisation and can work for that which works and all these issues ...
we can atleat give a try .. and m ready ...
by saying that actions matter i dont meant that thoughts are insane but what i mean is only talks is of no use .. making them work is more important .. and i only said abt talking people who dont put it into action and not abt those who "think before act" .. so there stays a line that u are not able to see ...
u have largely mis understood the notion of the post .. i never said and will never say that i want my country to be like america.... but what m trying to say that we can be better than them ... and 4me oi believe there always need a sense of competition for betterment ... and if u think i credit america more than india , sorry DUDE ... ur completely missed my post's sense ....
@ pra : : thanks and hardly found someone appreciatin .. still i know my mistakes ... and m sure to work on it ....
i do praise all them ... murthy was just an example ...
@ socerer : :thanks ... welcome to this blog "
a heartening post
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